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Larissa Kirby
6 days ago
Are Gen Z growing up sober curious?
For a while now, the media has been talking about how younger people are swapping cocktails for coffee and walks, Larissa explains why...
Caitlin Gannon
Nov 1
The best tips, tricks and serums for fuller lashes
The 'clean girl.' aesthetic has led to many girls ditching their lash extensions and going au natural- here are the best serums to aid that.
Larissa Kirby
Mar 13
Exercising throughout your menstrual cycle: understanding your body and maximising efficiency
Don’t worry I have no intention of making you relive the trauma of GCSE biology or secondary school sex ed, but to understand when...
Elizabeth Hopwood
May 10, 2022
Anxiety medication and my experience
Knowing when to reach out for help with anxiety can be hard, and Elizabeth Hopwood shares her experience.
Imogen Bowlt
Oct 8, 2021
How to survive the dreaded fresher's flu
The dreaded fresher's flu is unavoidable, so use our top tips to combat it.
Hannah MacGregor
Oct 4, 2021
Combatting a breakout? Six holy grail products you need
Are you combatting a breakout or dealing with tempremental skin? Here are six holy-grail products, guaranteed to leave you glowing.
Hollie-Anne Taylor
Oct 4, 2021
A journey of expression through makeup
Hollie-Anne Taylor shares how makeup has given her an outlet to be herself growing up.
Miriam Kuepper
Sep 27, 2021
Back to uni 5 minute makeup for those early mornings
For a pretty, yet natural makeup that slays in every lecture hall, you only need four products and less than five minutes.
Olivia Booth
Sep 27, 2021
Is SPF actually essential?
As we move into the colder months, Olivia Booth explores why SPF should remain part of your beauty routine.
Katerina Vyurkova
Dec 9, 2020
Sheffield youth pushing for conversation about endometriosis
With there being no cure nor precise explanation for the second most common gynaecological illness among women in the UK, some Sheffield...
Ciara O'Sullivan
Oct 30, 2020
Beauty To-Do List
Now we are being placed under various social restrictions, we are spending more time at home again. This is the perfect time to review,...
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