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Femke Hoornstra

Getting out of an academic slump: tips on how to stay motivated

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

As the days are getting darker and deadlines are getting closer, it is easy to feel

stressed and lose motivation. However, there is no need to panic as there are some ways to

stay on top of your schoolwork and get yourself out of that academic slump.

1. Divide the work

Nothing is less motivating than discovering that you need to do five weeks’ worth of work

in two days. Avoid getting into this situation by looking up what you need to do to ace

that assignment or exam you’re dreading and divide this work up. This will prevent you

from getting overwhelmed, especially if you start early.

2. Take breaks

It is almost impossible to absorb all the information you need to know in one sitting, so

make sure that you take care of yourself by getting a cup of tea every now and then. Going

out for a walk to clear your head during these breaks might also help you give your mind a

bit of rest – and you deserve that after your hard work!

3. Put your phone away

Getting distracted by the temptation to check your phone to see what your friends are up

might be one of the biggest challenges while studying. My tip: try to avoid getting

distracted at all by turning your phone off and putting it in a drawer. While suggesting this

might be considered cold and heartless, it must be done for the greater good.

4. Create a study group

This tip is not for everyone, but some people flourish in study groups. You can check

whether you know all the vital information, ask someone if you don’t understand

something, and quiz each other if needed. This can be motivating since it makes you

surround yourself with people who are working towards the same goal as you.

5. Reward yourself

After hours of studying, you deserve some time to relax. Watch an episode of that show

you love or do something fun with your friends. This can give you something to look

forward to during these dark times.

Edited by Caitlin Hart

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