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Nicole Collins

Keeping up with university whilst also experiencing uni life

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

It can be hard to navigate moving to a new city, let alone the responsibility that comes with it. Finding the balance between keeping up with your studies alongside your social life is no easy feat. Trust me – I’ve been at university for four years, and I’m just now getting the hang of it.

Luckily, those four years of experience have allowed me to gather a few tips on how you can properly balance your academic and social lives.

1. Surround yourself with good people.

Probably the most important thing you can do, but oftentimes the hardest, is to surround yourself with people who share the same values as you. If you want to party until the sun comes up and aren’t too worried about missing your morning lectures, then there will definitely be people you can find who share that wish. However, if your studies are equally as important to you as your social life is, then make sure you find like-minded people who can find that balance with you. You might even be able to blend the two together - go for a

coffee shop study date!

2. Join an academic society.

Academic societies are a brilliant opportunity to get to know more people on your course, engage in sober socials if partying isn’t your thing, and also allow you to get academic support from more experienced members of the society. Societies usually have social gatherings once a week, meaning you can have some scheduled social time, but also have time to focus on your studies.

3. Prepare yourself.

If you are adamant that you absolutely cannot miss this week’s SoulJam, then it might be helpful to organise yourself. It will take discipline, but I believe in you. Set yourself a goal to complete all your work by a certain time and when you do go out, give yourself a drinking limit and a curfew to be back home by. Hopefully, these tips will help you navigate your first semester a little bit better. Remember, what you put in is what you get out. Have fun, and stay safe!

Edited by Larissa Hurt

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