Periods are rubbish. From not knowing why you are crying, feeling sluggish, period cramps, they can really put us through the ringer.
Dr. Christopher Holligsworth said to Healthline that when it comes to our hormones during our period, they can be all over the place.
“Both progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest during the entire length of the period phase of the menstrual cycle, which can make people feel tired and less energetic,” he said.
Exercising on your period can be beneficial in enhancing your mood, decreasing PMS symptoms, and studies have shown that it may even improve your strength.
Types of exercise which are good on your period include light walking and other cardio, low volume strength training, or even yoga or Pilates.
Sometimes, though, the hardest part is just starting. Here are some tips to get yourself going:
Give yourself some pain relief
Preparing in advance for cramps with paracetamol can help you in combating those pesky cramps and keep the pain at bay. Obviously, the pain can sometimes be overwhelming (I have been there) and if this is the case it is okay to take a rest day! You need to listen to your body and find out what is best for you.
Keep drinking
Most people need to drink more water than usual on their periods . Staying hydrated also helps you to combat cramps and bloating and also helps with those energy levels.
Wear your favourite activewear
If you wear something that you are comfortable in, then you will feel more motivated to workout. Sometimes periods can leave you feeling a little bloated and not wanting to work out for this reason. Some comfy, or less revealing clothes may give you the confidence you need to push yourself to start moving.
Take care of yourself
You don’t always need to push yourself to the absolute limit. Sometimes you just need to congratulate yourself for showing up and taking care of your body.