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Sharanya Chakraborty

Tips on dealing with a Valentine's Day breakup the healthy way

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Breakups are terrible, and we all agree upon this fact. No matter when they happen, they are pretty awful, especially a breakup that takes place within a few weeks of the most love orientated day of the year, Valentine's Day.

A breakup with your other half around 14th February can make you feel unhappy and is one of the worst scenarios. It feels like everything is over, and your life has come to an end. While social media is flooded with romantic posts, you're expected to feed your broken heart with that expensive box of chocolates.

But at some point, we have to move on even if it is practically impossible to hide from social media posts of romance during Valentines' week.

However, here are a few tips for dealing with breakups in a healthy way.

Do not turn valentine's day into a longer season

Nowadays, Valentine's day is kind of a marketing ploy. So bear in mind if someone has a good time today, it is not likely that they will have a good time every day. The hubbub happening around these days is just a small business on the part of candies, flowers, and chocolates to make their profits around these weeks.

Valentine's day is just for one day, so go with the flow, keep busy, and the next day, you will be back to your regular routine.

Concentrate on two important things: self-care and positive distractions

We should utilize the time in making ourselves heal and take actions regarding that. Talk with friends and set up a plan with them. Roam around with them. Watch movies, spend time with family, and books. The more you are distracted, the easier it will be to survive on 14th February.

Avoid romantic pop culture

Television displays soft and romantic content on Valentine's day. Be sure to ignore that and watch some comedy and horror movies with wine and popcorn. A goofy comedy and/or a documentary are good options to keep yourself distracted.

Lean on your support system

Remember that all your friends who support you will help you overcome the breakup trauma. Lean on them and share everything with them. Assemble your support team and have a hangout with them. A very close family member or close friend will be a great shoulder to cry on.

Don't complicate your breakup just because of the season

Don't make your split complicated just because it is Valentine's day. Remember that person is not what you need, and you deserve better. Don't carry your grief for too long, and remember that Valentine's day is just for one day.

Treat yourself to some self-care. Taking a hot bath, journaling, reading, and treating yourself to some comfort food are all different ways in which people can celebrate themselves on the day.

Edited by Michelle Almeida

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